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What is a QR code?

QR codes or "Static codes" are a type of barcode that can be read by different devices. Its content is fixed and can not be changed. Most QR codes you find on the street are static.

Static QR Code = Quick Response

With a dynamic QR code, you can change the content as often as you want and at any time.

Dynamic QR Code Dynamic QR Code = Immediate Response


This little black and white image, composed of a group of many squares displayed in apparent disorder, can store up to 4,000 characters of specific information.

Old static QR codes currently use only 10% of its capacity, just like the human brain. The other 90% isused by Rotacode to breathelife into your code.

Rotacode QR Codes, the codes that you control.

How do I read a QR code?

To use the QR Code you need ...

A printed QR code (on screen or on any media readable by a mobile device, such as a smartphone, a tablet, a pc an iPad… To scan it, your device must have a camera and a QR reader program (free application) that allows you immediate access to the QR code content.

We recommend that you download one of the following free QR readers:

I-nigma: [iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone]
QuickMark: [Android, iOS, WindowsPhone, Symbian S60, Windows]
ScanLife: [iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Symbian, Java]
Code Two: [For Windows PC Desktop]




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