Burbulla de Xabon
* Instructions and advice:
WASHERS: (19kg 7 €
14kg 5 €)
1- Put the clothes on. (comprobar cremalleras y bolsillos).
2- Choose temperature.
3- Close the door.
4- Enter the money.
-Exclusive machines for animals, Y 9kg small € 3
1- Put the clothes
2- Close the door
3- Ingresa el dinero.
4- Sink the temperature.
5- Press start
1- Put the clothes
2- close the door
3- Escoger la temperature
# number 1- Hot temperature.
# number 2 templated temperature.
# Number 3 cold temperature.
# Number 4 delicate cold temperature. Centrifuge with less strength.
#The dryer can open the door at all times, so as to check the temperature and clothes.
#Electric dryer time can be extended, for every 0.50 son 3 only 3 minutes.