Cruces de Mayo in Huelva

Ethnological Heritage

During the month of May are in the province of Huelva one of the most significant periods and major holidays of the province: the celebration of the May Crosses .
It is a celebration in which the feast of the feast of the "Invention of the Holy Cross " is accompanied by a series of symbols , rituals and exaltation of life. The feminine , the exaltation of nature and popular participation , without too many obstacles hierarchical , with musical expressions are at the base of this party.
In the province of Huelva crosses party adopts unique features and shapes depending on the locale , many of them being one of the main hallmarks. The expressive richness of this event has led to intangible cultural heritage is considered Huelva . Now part of the Cultural Routes of Andalusia , proposed by the Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute (IAPH ) , under the name : "Cruces de Mayo".

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