Federico García Lorca

Federico García Lorca, the largest Andalusian poet

Born in the village of Vega de Granada called Fuente Vaqueros, the June 5, 1898 The same year quenació Federico also be born two other great figures of world literature.. American Hemingway and German Brecht's influence in their region native is found throughout his work, from the "First Songs" to "The House of Bernarda Alba. His mother, Vicenta Lorca Romero, was a teacher during school time, and his father, Federico Garcia Rodriguez, owned land in the valley, where it was cultivated beet and snuff. In 1909, when Frederick was eleven, the family-his parents, his brother Francis, himself, his sisters Conchita and Isabel-was established in the city of Granada, but continue spending the summers in the countryside, in Asquerosa (today , Valderrubio), where Federico wrote much of his work.

Later, even after having traveled extensively and lived for long periods in Madrid, Federico remember how his work affected the rural atmosphere of the valley: "I love the land. I feel connected to it in all my emotions. My earliest childhood memories are flavored ground. The bugs land, animals, farming people have suggestions that come to very few. I now get it with the same spirit of my childhood years. Otherwise, it would not have been able to write Blood Wedding. "

In his poems and his dramas is revealed as acute observer of speech, music and customs of the Spanish rural society. One of the peculiarities of his work is how that environment, accurately described, grows into an imaginary space where expression is given to all the deepest concerns of the human heart: the desire, love and death, the mystery of identity and the miracle of artistic creation.

I saw him write ....

Library author Federico García Lorca - Instituto Cervantes
Spilled Blood, Federico García Lorca - Paco Rabal
Poet in New York
Green That I Love Green
Estrella Morente sings Federico García Lorca to
Miguel Poveda
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