BeerPaleAletype of manufacturing100% handmade. Made withnatural ingredients andno additives or preservatives, unfiltered, controlledfermentationand maturationin the bottleto create the perfectbalanceof flavor, aroma and foam.The result is abeertoastintense flavor,fruity aromaand nuanced, with a lightyeastsedimentcharacteristicofcraft beer. Ingredients: water, barley malt, hops and yeast.
FEATURES Color:Amber Aroma: Candy Taste:Bitter Transparency: Opaque Body: light Foam:Low
MARIDAJE Beer alsocombineswonderfullywithdishes thataboundtomato,due tothe acidity of thesame.This translates intovery interesting,as withpistospairings,stewswithtomatoes,tomato bread, casseroles.... For the same reason, beer isthe best companionforensaladasaliñadaswith vinegar, as well asany dishdominated bythis type ofdressing, such asspatters.
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Craft Beer Andaluza
Smart Label
Taifa Beers
Drink it very cold!
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Andalusian Product to be identified with our Arab past.